Sunday 6 September 2009

The sweetest story.......

This is the cutest story.. Last week we had our first proposal at bake-a-boo. Nick brought Vicki to bake-a-boo for afternoon tea, but not before Nick and I did lots of planning. He wanted to propose at bake-a-boo, as Vicki loves tea rooms and cake shops, and after some research, Nick decided bake-a-boo was the perfect place. Through a series of emails and phonecalls, we planned the tea and to create some cupcakes with 'marry me?' wriiten on them, that we would present to Vicki for the big moment. As they ate through their afternoon tea and Nick got increasingly nervous, we eventually told Vicki we had a suprise for her and presented her with the covered 'marry me?' cupcakes. Nick lifted the cover and then went round to Vicki's chair and got down on one knee to pop the question.....of course Vicki said yes, as the whole shop then starting clapping and cheering, one lady was even in tears! It was a very special moment, that I was very excited to be a part of, they were such a lovely couple. Congratulations Nick and Vicki xx

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